Carefully Crafted Prescription Bundles By Our Licensed Practitioners


What Our Customers Are Saying

Based on 177 reviews
Yareth Franks
Yareth Franks

It really cleans up my clothes. I really love it! I have switched from yucky jugs to these great detergent sheets and I will never go back to jugs.

2 years ago
Jeff Pence
Jeff Pence

I cannot go without this and refill often. I have joint pain and cannot go without this. I would never get a pain free nights sleep without it. Lasts for hours of relief.

2 years ago
Justice Carson
Justice Carson
Verified ownerVerified owner

Solid high without the cloudiness you normally get with D9 thc. One thing I can suggest is possibly putting the shatter in a silicon container. Couldn’t get it all out of the jar with a pick.

3 years ago